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Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2021-03-19 17:24[SD&Taka] Hunter x Hunter 001 [720p][25D68962].mp4340.80 MB000.00 B/s00.00 B
2011-10-13 01:44[SD&Taka] Hunter x Hunter 001 [480p][4BFBA030].mp4190.51 MB000.00 B/s015.94 MB
2011-02-04 03:27[SD] Igano Kabamaru - 03 [DEADBEEF].mkv160.04 MB000.00 B/s1,790789.87 GB
2011-02-04 03:27[SD] Igano Kabamaru - 02 [DEADBEEF].mkv183.71 MB000.00 B/s1,7801.36 TB
2010-08-30 23:00[SD] Tori no Uta OVA [E3C02CC9].mkv304.41 MB000.00 B/s3,4901.14 TB
2010-09-08 15:46[SD&Taka] Naruto Shippuuden Movie 3 The Inheritors of the Will of Fire [FA615D4F].mp4900.23 MB000.00 B/s118103.87 GB
2011-03-02 14:43Final Fantasy 13 Versus Trailer (Jan 2011) - Eng Subbed[87D0A394].mkv409.26 MB000.00 B/s9353.33 TB

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Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2011-05-12 13:40Final Fantasy 13 Versus Trailer (Jan 2011) - Eng Subbed[87D0A394].mkv409.26 MB000.00 B/s9353.33 TB
2024-07-27 04:46[SD&Taka] Hunter x Hunter 001 [480p][4BFBA030].mp4190.51 MB000.00 B/s015.94 MB
2024-07-27 05:03[SD&Taka] Hunter x Hunter 001 [720p][25D68962].mp4340.80 MB000.00 B/s00.00 B
2011-06-15 10:26[SD&Taka] Naruto Shippuuden Movie 3 The Inheritors of the Will of Fire [FA615D4F].mp4900.23 MB000.00 B/s118103.87 GB
2011-03-12 19:26[SD] Igano Kabamaru - 01 [DEADBEEF].mkv170.96 MB000.00 B/s3,084942.12 GB
2013-01-24 15:23[SD] Igano Kabamaru - 02 [DEADBEEF].mkv183.71 MB000.00 B/s1,7801.36 TB
2014-01-24 09:50[SD] Igano Kabamaru - 03 [DEADBEEF].mkv160.04 MB000.00 B/s1,790789.87 GB
2010-10-31 23:33[SD] Super Street Fighter IV - OVA [DEADBEEF].mkv386.97 MB000.00 B/s23,09510.10 TB
2012-08-31 19:50[SD] Tori no Uta OVA [E3C02CC9].mkv304.41 MB000.00 B/s3,4901.14 TB

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TotalsFile SizeSeedsClientsDownloadsTransferred
 2.98 GB0034,29217.73 TB

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