BitTorrent Files for #r0r1p0p

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Tracker Wide Statistics
Seeds/Peers: 1,752/508 (1:3.45)
Downloads: 157,179,650
Transfer: 314.21 PB

Date   Filename   Size   Seeds   Clients   Speed   DL   Xfer'd  
2006-04-14 01:03[r0r1p0p] Binchou-tan 01-12 [Complete]1.36 GB000.00 B/s3,81219.99 TB
2005-02-14 18:16[r0r1p0p] Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru [x264-vorbis] [C4B03DC2].mkv350.62 MB000.00 B/s12,4608.23 TB
2004-02-15 23:00Ichigo Mashimaro2.08 GB000.00 B/s2,7949.21 TB
 Totals3.78 GB00 19,06637.44 TB

IRC Channel: #r0r1p0p @

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