BitTorrent Files for #LA

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Tracker Wide Statistics
Seeds/Peers: 1,693/524 (1:3.23)
Downloads: 157,179,658
Transfer: 314.21 PB


New Torrents
BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo
Eyeshield 21
Mega Man Star Force
Prince of Tennis

New Torrents

Date Added Filename Size Seeds Peers Speed Downloads Transfered
2014-10-03 15:57[LA] Eyeshield 21 001-005 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]513.54 MB000.00 B/s9159.08 GB
2013-09-06 22:25[LA] MAR 041-050 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]825.20 MB000.00 B/s8509.02 GB
2013-09-04 15:54[LA] Prince of Tennis 001-020 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]2.10 GB000.00 B/s1917.84 TB
2013-02-24 09:41[LA] MAR 001-020 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]2.27 GB000.00 B/s255.66 TB

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BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo

Date Added Filename Size Seeds Peers Speed Downloads Transfered
2011-09-04 13:39[LA] BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo 01-10 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]1.09 GB000.00 B/s19412.67 GB
2012-03-08 12:50[LA] BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo 11-20 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]1.11 GB000.00 B/s3702.94 GB

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Eyeshield 21

Date Added Filename Size Seeds Peers Speed Downloads Transfered
2014-10-03 15:57[LA] Eyeshield 21 001-005 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]513.54 MB000.00 B/s9159.08 GB

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Date Added Filename Size Seeds Peers Speed Downloads Transfered
2013-02-24 09:41[LA] MAR 001-020 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]2.27 GB000.00 B/s255.66 TB
2010-05-16 21:22[LA] MAR 021-030 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]1.12 GB000.00 B/s13523.58 GB
2009-02-25 02:38[LA] MAR 031-040 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]1.09 GB000.00 B/s2733.35 TB
2013-09-06 22:25[LA] MAR 041-050 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]825.20 MB000.00 B/s8509.02 GB

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Mega Man Star Force

Date Added Filename Size Seeds Peers Speed Downloads Transfered
2011-03-05 02:03[LA] Mega Man Star Force 01-13 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]973.59 MB000.00 B/s326.04 TB

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Prince of Tennis

Date Added Filename Size Seeds Peers Speed Downloads Transfered
2013-09-04 15:54[LA] Prince of Tennis 001-020 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]2.10 GB000.00 B/s1917.84 TB
2012-05-14 22:17[LA] Prince of Tennis 021-030 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]1.05 GB000.00 B/s444.65 TB
2012-05-14 21:39[LA] Prince of Tennis 031-040 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]1.15 GB000.00 B/s352.88 TB
2009-02-02 18:10[LA] Prince of Tennis 041-050 [ENGLISH DUB WEBRIP]766.13 MB000.00 B/s3224.31 TB

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Date Added Filename Size Seeds Peers Speed Downloads Transfered

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TotalsFile SizeSeedsClientsDownloadsTransferred
 13.99 GB0080246.98 TB

IRC Channel: #LA @ Rizon

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