BitTorrent Files for #KaizouFansubs

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Seeds/Peers: 1,730/521 (1:3.32)
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Transfer: 314.21 PB


New Torrents
Detective Conan
Lupin the Third - Part III

New Torrents

Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2010-01-14 03:25[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 07 [B65E89FD].avi171.59 MB000.00 B/s3,3741.05 TB
2009-01-16 04:28[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 05 [37D831A7].avi171.71 MB000.00 B/s4,3721.36 TB
2009-01-11 20:54[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 04 [F7A0906C].avi171.68 MB000.00 B/s4,1822.01 TB
2009-01-08 18:36[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 03 [80059FC1].avi171.71 MB000.00 B/s5,1291.72 TB
2009-01-06 06:13[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 02 [2FC1E292].avi172.49 MB000.00 B/s2,7831.01 TB

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Detective Conan

Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd

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Lupin the Third - Part III

Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2009-01-06 05:29[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 01 [8C3362AD].avi172.36 MB000.00 B/s3,2981.18 TB
2009-01-06 06:13[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 02 [2FC1E292].avi172.49 MB000.00 B/s2,7831.01 TB
2009-01-08 18:36[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 03 [80059FC1].avi171.71 MB000.00 B/s5,1291.72 TB
2009-01-11 20:54[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 04 [F7A0906C].avi171.68 MB000.00 B/s4,1822.01 TB
2009-01-16 04:28[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 05 [37D831A7].avi171.71 MB000.00 B/s4,3721.36 TB
2008-09-28 06:18[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 06 [3753F1D0].avi171.44 MB000.00 B/s3,7392.25 TB
2010-01-14 03:25[Kaizou] Lupin the Third - Part III - 07 [B65E89FD].avi171.59 MB000.00 B/s3,3741.05 TB

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Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd

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TotalsFile SizeSeedsClientsDownloadsTransferred
 1.17 GB0026,87710.57 TB

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