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Tracker Wide Statistics
Seeds/Peers: 1,653/519 (1:3.18)
Downloads: 157,179,670
Transfer: 314.21 PB


New Torrents
I Am Sam
One Litre of Tears
Romantic Princess

New Torrents

Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2022-03-15 08:56[CRFansubs]I Am Sam 3362.96 MB000.00 B/s1285.97 GB
2018-07-27 13:13[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 12441.56 MB000.00 B/s2214.12 GB
2018-07-21 10:58[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 10588.69 MB000.00 B/s864.37 GB
2017-10-13 18:19[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess - Episode 13 (Final) .avi391.48 MB000.00 B/s1612.69 GB
2017-06-17 11:44[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 11789.16 MB000.00 B/s21159.89 GB
2011-05-26 08:19[CRFansubs]Mano Po I - My Family334.10 MB000.00 B/s2668.62 MB
2009-09-06 18:01[CRFansubs]I Am Sam 2428.11 MB000.00 B/s128101.48 GB

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I Am Sam

Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2009-07-19 05:19[CRFansubs]I Am Sam 1414.10 MB000.00 B/s228107.83 GB
2009-09-06 18:01[CRFansubs]I Am Sam 2428.11 MB000.00 B/s128101.48 GB
2022-03-15 08:56[CRFansubs]I Am Sam 3362.96 MB000.00 B/s1285.97 GB

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One Litre of Tears

Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2007-10-03 10:04[CRFansubs]One Litre Of Tears - Special422.02 MB000.00 B/s384209.11 GB

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Romantic Princess

Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2017-10-13 18:19[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess - Episode 13 (Final) .avi391.48 MB000.00 B/s1612.69 GB
2009-05-08 15:39[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 1268.98 MB000.00 B/s895412.96 GB
2018-07-21 10:58[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 10588.69 MB000.00 B/s864.37 GB
2017-06-17 11:44[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 11789.16 MB000.00 B/s21159.89 GB
2018-07-27 13:13[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 12441.56 MB000.00 B/s2214.12 GB
2009-05-10 05:34[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 2248.16 MB000.00 B/s537272.33 GB
2009-05-10 09:46[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 3800.88 MB000.00 B/s4081.60 TB
2009-06-07 04:26[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 4748.42 MB000.00 B/s348803.32 GB
2009-08-30 04:25[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 5965.52 MB000.00 B/s2481.29 TB
2009-08-31 14:11[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 6728.91 MB000.00 B/s278786.08 GB
2009-08-31 14:51[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 71.04 GB000.00 B/s3071.57 TB
2009-09-04 21:36[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 8973.35 MB000.00 B/s2161.42 TB
2009-09-05 15:05[CRFansubs]Romantic Princess 9839.71 MB000.00 B/s2411.19 TB

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Date Filename Size Seeds Clients Speed DL Xfer'd
2011-05-26 08:13[CRFansubs]Mano Po I - My Family334.10 MB000.00 B/s2668.62 MB

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TotalsFile SizeSeedsClientsDownloadsTransferred
 10.56 GB004,29910.04 TB

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